Abstract Submissions
Key Dates
29 October
Abstract submissions close
(extended from 22 October)
24 November
Reviewing period
1 December
Abstract authors are notified of outcome
15 December
Accepted authors to be registered
22 January
Full program released
PROCESS - Systematic activities and actions taken to achieve the aspirations and goals of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in cancer care and control.
PROGRESS – Growth and advancement in cancer care and control for Indigenous and Tribal Peoples.
POWER – Existing power differentials and the role of self-determination in ensuring mechanisms of voice to support the needs and aspirations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in cancer care and control.
We welcome submissions that reflect developments in Research, Policy or Practice that align with the conference theme above. While we’re interested in traditional scientific abstracts from practitioners, allied health professionals, researchers, and community health workers, we are also seeking submissions from consumers, community members, and advocates.